Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Christianity is arranged into different groups or denominations. Denominations are arranged according to different beliefs and practices, but they all 'follow'Jesus. The idea of religion goes back to the beginning of the Christian church. The book of Acts refers to Greek Christians, Jewish Christians and Gentile Christians. We do know Jewish Christians and Gentile Christians had different beliefs in relation to circumcision.

What does the word 'Denomination' means?
The word 'Denomination' refers to a group of people who share similar beliefs and practices.

Why are denomination formed?
Some reasons why denominations are formed are as follows:
1. Different beliefs
2. Different practices
3. Different ways of organizing the church
4. Disagreement over issues

Some major denominations that exist in the Bahamas are as follows:
1. Anglican
2. Baptist
3. Methodist
4. Pentecostal
5. Presbyterian
6. Roman Catholic
7. Seventh Day Adventists

There are other churches that were born out of some of the churches mentioned.

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